Thursday, September 16, 2010

Just thought I'd make a new blog to try to organize my thoughts. Figured I'd go with (unspecified) because sometimes I'm living a good life, sometimes a hard life, sometimes a meh life. We're pretty down at the moment, hoping for a check soon because we are running low on diapers and hope. John should be getting a financial aid check soon and I'm going to take some of it and invest in cloth diapers. I've been reading up on the care and use of them, there is a lot of information out there. Instructions on how to wash them, how to make them, how to use them, a million different types and systems each claiming to be the best. It is not your mother's cloth diapers, that is for sure. I think I've decided on what to buy, but my mind could change in the next week or so. Scraping by and barely making it, but keeping our faith that it will be better. Nobody said that having a husband in college would be easy, but when he gets through hopefully he will escape the world of the dead end job. Have to go make some lunch for me and the onery one, maybe I'll post more later.

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