Sunday, May 29, 2011

Fina's new bedroom

I took advantage of Fina being out of town this weekend and cleaned and organized her room. Here's the bed:
The blocks are in the corner by the closet:
And the shelves/dollhouse/play area:
Eloise is totally impressed with all my hard work, she says I need to do her room next. Bonus cuteness:

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Creepy and funny at the same time

I was looking through old pictures from when we went to Oregon in 2006 and found this lovely specimen in the middle of the zoo pics. Sure it's a creepy bat, but a creepy bat with his tongue hanging out comically elevates it from creepy to funny. You laugh and shudder at the same time.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Some (bad) pictures

So I think, "hey, the baby looks really cute today, and it isn't raining and the light looks good, maybe I'll take her outside and take her picture."
That's nice, but it could be better.
Woo hoo, throwing grass! Also slobber dripping down the chin!
Stoner baby.
Yum, dandelions! Never mind, I can see that big sister is meditating.
Ok, now she's smiling(ish) but of course the neighbors are doing something fascinating behind the baby.
"Mom, this leaf concerns me deeply. Also my hair is looking pretty darn scruffy today."
Eloise is bored of this.
"Look, I found my own props! Random sticks and handfuls of dandelions!"

Ok, she's had enough, she's leaving.

Monday, May 2, 2011


It was beautiful today so we decided on a picnic dinner. Next time I throw the barbecue in the car and tell John that I want to go to the woods for dinner, I am driving. He likes to just drive and drive forever.
I brought a blanket so that I would have a nice place to set Eloise down with a few toys.
While Fina ran around like a little monkey.
Eloise had other ideas though.
Fina is always half disappointed when I tell her we're going on a picnic and then we eat at a picnic table, so she asked if she might go eat her dinner on the blanket.
She looked so content.
(Note: there was nothing in the hot dog bun because the hot dogs we brought were jalapeno cheddar brats that turned out to be really gross.)
Squeak didn't mind eating at the table

But she was being kind of onery when I was trying to take her picture.