Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Lucky Sparky Christmas

This one has pretty bad crayon bleeding problems, I cleaned it up a bit in paint but you can still see that it is pretty bad. Also it has a gigantic grease spot on the last couple pages.

On Christmas eve, Lucky and Sparky hung their stockings and went to bed.
("Smell this." "Smells like Christmas to me.")

The next morning when they got up they found Santa had come.
It had snowed so they went outside and built snowmen.
("I got an orange and some fake coal. What did you get?" "An orange and some stamps.")


Then they decorated and outside tree for their bird friends to eat.
They went inside and had hot chocolate.
(Bird says "thanks!" Lucky on the next page says "yummy."

They exchanged the presents they had gotten each other.
They were very surprised.
("Here, take this." "You too." next page apparently they are talking in unison saying, "Wow, a homemade book. How shocking.")

They try on their sweaters from Aunt Ulga.
Then they were tired and went to bed.
(Lucky is saying "uy, que feo!" and Sparky says, "does this sweater make me look like a fat mouse?" The next page is "Boy, I'm tired." "Me too.")

And Santa played on.
("Hey, that's my job!")

Lucky and Sparky go to work

I recently came across the surviving Lucky and Sparky adventure books. I wrote these when I was embarrassingly old to be writing paper and crayon books, but I don't care.
One fine Saturday, both Lucky and Sparky had to go to work at ten
They clocked in and washed their hands.
Then they went up front to take boring orders.

Then someone spilled a drink. Luckily Lucky was not busy and could clean it up.
Then a busload of foreigners arrived.
(Lucky's thought bubble says "This is not my lucky day" and the smaller word bubble from the bus says "Let's try and mess these guys up!")

After the bus Lucky and Sparky went on break.
Then they went back to work.
(In the first panel Lucky is of course saying, "Hey, people put food there!")

Then Sparky went back to get cups,
and Lucky got to mop again.

Then they got to go.
Lucky drove home.

Lucky and Sparky went to bed exhausted.
And Oinker played on.