Sunday, November 27, 2011


Want to know a secret? I hate turkey. I don't care who cooked it, i hate the taste and texture of turkey and chicken. It makes me want to gag. I'll eat a little to be polite, but if you keep asking me over and over "how do you like it?" Eventually I might crack and actually tell you. I DON'T LIKE IT. I hate that we have to have it twice in 1 week because you don't like how my parents cook it. At least it is usually only once a year that we have to have this turktardation. Do you know what is worse than eating the turkey the first time just to be polite? The fact that I know I'm destined to be eating turkey dishes for the rest of the week. Oh, you're going to cook pork chops one night to break it up? Excuse me for not jumping for joy. I wish I'd married a vegetarian.

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