Saturday, February 18, 2012

Cutey Hair

Fina wanted her hair fixed this morning so I made these little braids. It made Eloise so jealous that Fina was getting extra attention, that she insisted on having her hair fixed too. So she got tiny little curly pigtails. By the time I thought of taking a picture, it was after lunch and running errands, so Eloise had smeared something in her hair and made it all creepy and greasy looking, and Fina's fine hair was coming loose from the braids. Also it's really hard to take pictures of them these days. This one isn't bad, except for some reason Fi decided to sit a foot further from me than Ell was so she looks weirdly out of proportion. By the time I got her to move closer, Eloise was DONE with posing and crawled away. 

She thought she was being onery and ruining the picture by holding the bear right in front of herself, but she didn't realize it was actually really cute. I like the hint of mischief in her face.

Eloise shows off the curls.

Eloise is like "What the heck? Are you possessed or something?"

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