Saturday, October 27, 2012

Halloween (Trunk or Treat version)

My mom outdid herself on costumes again. Serafina wanted to be a fairy and my mom made her a gown fit for a queen. Eloise was a nurse, because we thought it would be adorable, and she's not old enough to pick for herself. She was not exactly pleased with this turn of events once she saw Fina's gorgeous costume.
We packed them up and took them to the trunk or treat party at the church, they had this set up by the door so you could pose your kids and take a nice picture of them in their costumes. Note that someone is missing, she laid on the floor and cried when I suggested she go stand by Fina for a picture.
Serafina enjoyed the coloring. Eloise stood nearby and frowned.
They took a brief break from the activities and Serafina patiently let Eloise give her a check up. Get it? Patiently.
Someone suggested to Eloise that she might like to try a game. She was scared by a lot of the costumes, she wasn't just being a brat.
Speaking of scary, John decorated our trunk super creepy. It looked like a tomb.
Eloise was finally happy when I put her in her car seat and gave her her blanket and 'fier. Although she did adorably cooperate with the trick or treating part, she actually said "trick or treat!" and "thank you!" which is more than I can get her sister to do.
The payout. Eloise actually got more candy than Fina, probably because she's so freaking adorable. Then they went into the bathroom and turned off all the lights to play with glow sticks and Serafina managed to burst one and spray herself right in the eye. It was awesome and distressing at the same time when I ran back there to find her face glowing. (We called poison control and they said to toss her in the bathtub and flush her eye with water for 15 minutes. She's feeling better now.)

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