Saturday, December 22, 2012

Elf present

Fina was just sure she needed to buy Gideon the elf a present. I kept telling her no because I didn't want to have to deal with hiding it somewhere when the elf "goes home", but she went out shopping with grandma today and bought him a balloon at the dollar store. And she was so excited and adorable that I couldn't be angry. It's not a helium balloon, but a small balloon with a stick handle. And it's shaped like a snowflake, which is very thoughtful of her because elves probably like snowflakes, what with living in the land of ice and snow. We spent the whole rest of the day taking the balloon away from Eloise and giving it back to the elf.
So I strung it up like it's floating and he's going for a ride, because elves are magical enough to make their balloon float, right? Hopefully the weight of the balloon and elf don't break the thread or pull the hook he's tied to down overnight. It just has to stay up until after church, when we'll be heading off to my mom's house for Christmas.

In other news, Fina lost her first tooth tonight.
Turns out John is one of those people who is grossed out by loose teeth and by gap toothed grins. Also "the tooth fairy" is a little short on funds becuase I emptied all the change out of my wallet and she found it and put it in her little wallet, and it is probably frowned upon to give your kid money from their own piggy bank from the tooth fairy. The tooth was turning grey before it fell out, I don't know if that's normal or if she got punched and that's why it fell out. And it fell out when she was brushing her teeth and she almost let it go down the drain, but luckily she noticed in time and grabbed it. I don't know if I'm supposed to throw it away or keep it in a creepy tooth pouch in my jewelry box as a keepsake. I am going to err on the side of throwing away because eww, who wants to look at old dead teeth?

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