Monday, June 16, 2014

I need to get a blog

I just wanted to make a whiny facebook status and I thought to myself "I need to get a blog". But then I realized I have one. So here goes:
I have been feeling really apathetic lately. I can't find the energy to do anything. I am tired, and I hate being tired all the time. I'm tired of John being sick and wish his doctors would find the magic cure to make him all better. I'm run down, and I just need a break. I feel like I'm failing my kids because I don't do enough with them. Eloise should know the alphabet by now, or at least how to write her name, and I've not taught her a single thing. And to top it all off I'm just lonely. It's stupid, because I have more friends at the moment than I've ever had in one time before, but I'm still just lonely all the time. I have nobody to talk to because John is sleeping all the time, or he's up and I'm too tired and I'm sleeping. And I don't know what to do about any of it.

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