Thursday, March 3, 2011

Fend for yourself

John had a test tonight so when I asked him what he wanted me to cook for dinner (as in i would have cooked and had it ready when he got home from his test) he said, "I'll probably eat a sandwich before my test so I might not be hungry after, let's just have an eat whatever night." Now the thing about fend for yourself night is that it works really well if your kids are old enough to at least make themselves a damn sandwich. But if they are young, you just end up cooking separate dinners for everyone. I offered Fina a few easy choices: hot dog, quesadilla, or leftover pasta from last night. She chose a hot dog, so I made that for her and then scrounged up some applesauce so it looked more like a balanced meal. Eloise had cheerios and baby mush, and then she went to bed. Then I got distracted and didn't end up making anything for myself. But later, after John had gotten home, I went to the kitchen to make myself some dinner and he immediately perked up all vulture-like "What are you having?" I despise when people do that, because you know as soon as you tell them they are going to ask you to make some for them. So I quickly changed my plans from what I was originally making to frozen burritos, which John not only doesn't like, but we only had 2. I would have gladly made him dinner if that had been the plan, but I am not going to play short order cook and then end up cooking for everyone.

Oh, also just now Fina came out whining at me that "someone" used up all the little cups in the bathroom so she can't brush her teeth. Don't play innocent with me little girl, I know who crumpled all the little cups up and threw them in the toilet earlier.

1 comment:

  1. All of which could have been avoided in the first place if the plan had been to have you cook instead of you scrounging up eleven different meals for four people! What were you going to have before he asked? I'm guessing quesadilla.

    P.S. you're my favorite
