Thursday, March 10, 2011

It's Spring(ish)!

It was at least warm enough to play outside for a while. I brought out a blanket so Eloise wouldn't have to sit on the cold concrete so she chose to sit just off the blanket on the cold concrete. She watches Fina ride her bike and yells a bunch, I don't know if she is cheering or if she is saying "hey, come back here!!"
Fina can get going pretty fast these days. After I took this picture I realized her legs were all crunched up so I made her stop so I could raise the seat.
It turns out Eloise loves sidewalk chalk. She thinks it is delicious.
The next one is Fina laughing because she stopped in such a spot that her back tire wasn't touching the ground, and when that happens I always yell at her "pedal faster! You don't seem to be getting anywhere!" (When she first got the bike she would pedal furiously until someone came and gave her a push when she got stuck on uneven sidewalk, now she knows to push with her feet but she still pedals really fast just to make me laugh.)

My favorite part of the day was when she tipped over on her bike and I said "Are you ok?" and she said, "No! My hands! They're dirty!" and held up her mud covered hands.

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