Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Elk and Norris

When we got to Mammoth (the second time, after doing Gardiner) I noticed that there were a bunch of people hanging around the ice machine. This is of note, because nobody ever buys a paper out of the paper machine there, and i doubt they sell much ice either. I parked illegally and got out to fill the paper machine, and I saw this cool elk hanging out next to the building there.
 I was like, oh, that explains it. Too bad he's laying in the shade so we can't get a good picture, but i can at least get the girls out and show them. So I got back in the car and located a legal parking place a little farther down and got the kids out of the car.
The first thing Eloise did was exclaim, "Oh eww! There's poop!" So i took the learning opportunity and told the girls to try to figure out who pooped there.
Fina guessed bison. Even after i showed her all the elk hanging out around the building. (The big guy was out front and all his girlfriends were in the back laying in the shade.)
It's hard to tell with no other ones for context, but this one's a babby.
Fina really really wanted to walk around mammoth. But there were no parking places.
So I told her we could stop at Norris. She argued because apparently she thought the name Norris sounded boring.
It was not boring.
But it was really hot and I'm totally out of shape so I was sweating like a fool and panting like I'd just had quite a workout. I don't know why I'm still out of shape after making an effort to walk the dogs all summer, but probably because our walks were always more like meanders.

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