Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Smells like wet Buffalo

Today we saw bison all over the road, and all over the sides of the road, and even in the river.

Eloise kept yelling "The buffalo going swimming!!" and then laughing with glee. They didn't look so amused though.

And then we had a little nicnic in Mammoth, at the picnic table conveniently located 10 feet from our last paper machine.
Weez was being a little onery about my camera, but she looked so darn cute I couldn't resist. I put the sweater on her because it was 28 degrees when we left the house, and she refused to take it off even though it was in the mid 70s. She kept whining "I hot." and I'd be like "let's take off your sweater." and then she'd shriek "No! It's mine! I be hot!" I finally convinced her to take it off by telling her she looked like a tourist, wearing a sweater in this weather. She doesn't know what a tourist is, but she most certainly doesn't want to look like one!

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