Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My New Salt & Pepper shakers

Since we got married, John and I have never owned salt and pepper shakers. Well, for a while we had a set of really stupid grinders that we got at a yard sale because he just love loved the idea of grinding your own salt and pepper, but they were cheap plastic and I dropped one of them on the floor too many times so we use the remaining one for pepper because we don't use that much salt and also grinding sea salt onto your food is annoying (at least with these lever grinding ones we have) because you can't limit your amount as easily. So I saw these at the store the other day, AND they were on clearance, and you know a bargain like that is hard to resist even though they were only 30% off I snagged them up.
This lovely lady is the salt. I would prefer them to be colorful like real matryoshka dolls, but the white will go with pretty much any dishes I suppose. What's that? Where's the pepper shaker?
They are nesting dolls after all! 
The salt shaker is considerably larger than the pepper, but that's because she has to hold the salt AND fit the other inside her. They're so cool. The only thing I worry about is that the salt one doesn't snap together very tightly so if someone didn't know and held her by the bottom half, she'd probably fall right into their food. Also I like that the salt shaker only has 1 hole and the pepper has 3, because I'm the type that uses more pepper than salt. I suppose you could fill them up the other way around, but that's not what it said on the directions. ;) I also got a matching set of measuring cups, but I haven't taken them out of the box yet.

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