Saturday, August 27, 2011

Cool blocks (and other yard sale tales)

I went yardsaling today, with my mom which is usually really sucky and productiony but today she did pretty well. I got Fina a new bike for 7.50, and it is purple despite saying BARBIE (I thought there was a law that barbie branded stuff has to be pink). We also got a few books, an angelina ballerina and a winnie the pooh which are both reminiscent of The Jolly Postman (which incidentally I always lusted after.), one about a moose helping santa, a mostly uncolored in Nickey Mouse coloring book, some random other books Fina helpfully tossed in the bag, and some of those american girl tiny paper dolls that mcdonald's gave away in their happy meals a year or so ago. We got a dress for Fina for next summer and a pair of black leggings for her. For Eloise I got 3 pairs of pajamas, a new dress, an oshkosh jumper, 4 play outfits for this winter, 2 pairs of pants, and a couple t-shirts. We also got a bag of wooden blocks, which is a mishmash of them from several sets like you would expect to find in Aunt Jean's basement. Which leads me to the picture:
I thought these 6 were pretty cute (I bet the whole sesame street set was cute, especially before there was years of filth layered on them) We have Franky, Prince, Bert, Ernie, Poco Loco, and Little Bird.
Eloise got this really obnoxious "learning drum" that she grabbed off a table as we walked by and then held on tightly to until we got home. And we rounded out the day with a couple stuffed animals of course. The books, blocks, and most of the clothes came from a church rummage sale where they handed you a shopping bag at the door and you stuffed it full for $2, which is why I was sort of tossing shit in my bag with no abandon. Oh, and at that sale I also got a swaddling blanket that I was going to give as a baby gift to my new niece or nephew but I think it is a larger size so I don't know about that now.
I spent:
7.50 for the bike
$2 for the bag of crap
$1 for the 4 play outfits and jumper for Eloise
$1 for a stupid stuffed turtle that Eloise "needed" because Fi was buying a stuffed toy at that sale (Fi brought her own money, score!)
And I think mom paid for most of the rest of the junk. Mom bought so much crap that she had to leave me her car and borrow the yukon to transport it all home.

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