Saturday, August 20, 2011


The other day I was digging out the cords to my sewing machine and Fina said, "what are you going to make? You should make me a doll!" Since I hadn't decided what I was making, but i did have a doll pattern bookmarked that I had been wanting to try, I obliged. I actually made 2 dolls because I have 2 girls and I figured if i didn't then Eloise would be super jealous.

Both dolls:

Fina's doll:

Eloise's doll:
I did the head/hair on Fina's doll first and I wasn't quite happy with it, Eloise's has the same style of hair except that I cut the loops and I made it longer so that it could either stick up like a topknot or lay down on her head.

They're best friends. I don't really like how they turned out, but the girls are happy with them. I think they're the perfect size for Eloise, she likes to play with hers and love on it. Fina has played with hers a little bit, but not near as much as Eloise. Mostly Fina just knows that it is hers and carries it around and asks John, "doesn't my dolly's hair look boyish?"

If I was going to use the same pattern again, I might enlarge it slightly so that they don't end up so weirdly proportioned and pointy limbed. Also I would find maybe peach flannel or doll fabric for the heads instead of the peach cotton that I used this time. And maybe buy some white paint and do their eyes a little differently.

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