Monday, August 1, 2011

Sparky's Overnight Hike

Uh, this one kind of embarrasses me. Oh well, I suppose it was an outlet.

Sparky carefully packs her backpack.
("1 2 3 shove!")

Lucky presents Sparky with the 25cent amulet of power.
Amanda arrives, and they wait half an hour for Angel to arrive.

Then Angel arrives.
They then meet with the Bozeman girls to drive to camp. (luckily Sparky is separated from Angel.)
("Do you have a backpack I can borrow?" next page "You can come with us." "Yay!")

They arrive and begin setting up camp.
Then they cook dinner.
("Does anybody have a tent stake I can borrow?" Thought bubble "Ahhh, finished." next page "Does anybody have any tinfoil I can borrow?" Thought bubble "yum yum")

Jessica says that Sparky can sleep in their tent, and Sparky agrees.
So of course Angel has to invite herself too.
(First page thought bubble "Only if you don't hug me again." next page "Can I sleep in your tent? I couldn't set mine up." "There's not enough room." (She takes this to mean yes).)

At the campfire, they all sit around and make nice comments about each other. (but sparky refuses to talk.)
They go to bed and Jessica attempt to tell scary stories.
("And I think he found a body. But I'm not sure...")

Having failed miserably, they attempt to go to bed. (Angel fails this attempt at sleep.)
Sparky is awakened by Angel talking in her sleep.
("I'm cold! Does anybody have a blanket I can borrow?" "You can have my towel." next page "Does anybody have a brain cell I could borrow?")

They then prepare for the hike.
They get up to the lake and eat their lunch.
("Does anybody have a canteen I can borrow?" next page "Does anybody have some food I can borrow?")

They get down and prepare to go home. Angel wants to go to Sparky, but Jessica rescues her.
They arrive at the church where Sparky's family is waiting.
("Sorry. Have to go home with the same person you came with." next page "Is that your brother? He looks just like you.")

Sparky goes home and goes to bed.
And Oinker plays on.

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