Saturday, February 26, 2011

Baby leg warmers

Yesterday's project was 2 pairs of baby leg warmers for Eloise. She needs something to cover her little legs when the house is freezing and she doesn't feel like wearing pants. Fina decided to model the second pair for me, but she was being a weirdo when I tried to photograph her. I told her she has to cooperate and let me take a nice picture if she wants to model things for me, but this is as close to a good picture as I managed to get.
Don't worry, terrible pictures run in the family.

So there you have it.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Driver's License

I received in the mail today, the ugliest driver's license I have ever seen. Apparently they hired a color blind person to redesign the driver's licenses for the state. The colors of it just make me gag. Not to mention that the picture is the ugliest picture of myself that I have ever seen. I look like I am about ready to go on a killing spree or something. I just tell myself that if I ever got pulled over I probably would be scowling so at least I'll look just like my picture. I tried to find a picture of the ugly redesigned licenses online but the one on their official website they must have fixed the colors on or something because it doesn't look near as ugly as the one I got.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Feeling off

I'm feeling off today. I just want to go back to bed and hibernate for a week or 2. I think it has to do with the weather, I am feeling a little stir crazy. I want to either just sleep through the cold snap, or be able to go out. I want to go to Walmart and the fabric store to look at craft supplies. Also I want to go thrifting (without my children). I specifically want to go to sacks and look through their bin of clothes that they sell for like a quarter and pick out a bunch of t-shirts because I found a tutorial for making your own fitted diapers out of old t-shirts. I want some fitted diapers because Eloise can wear them without a cover when her butt is sore and needs some air, and also they can go in the covers I already have. Also I need inspiration, how to get Fi some exercise when we can't go outside. She's a way better kid when she runs down her energy, but it is hard when your living room is 7 feet by 7 feet of usable floor space. Ok, that's enough of a whine for now.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Here she is, complete with hair! I picked a blonde looking color to match Fina's hair.
Pretty close match I'd say, they even both make the same squinty face at the camera.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Doll (in progress)

I still have to finish stuffing her and sew up her side, figure out what I'm going to do for hair, make a face, and fix the hole where I nicked her arm with the scissors. But I couldn't resist a little preview.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


My first project with my new sewing machine. A pair of wee bunnies. I made two, since I have two kids and I didn't want them to fight. They're made out of old receiving blankets.

Friday, February 11, 2011

valentine cookies

I was on a website earlier and saw this at the top of their site.

Just because the cookies resemble boobs, does not mean they are Valentine cookies. Sorry, PB&J doesn't really scream romance.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Balloons!!! Oh the horrors!

I took the girls to baby bobcats today and they made collages (well Eloise didn't, she sat on the floor and grinned like a fool). Then they decorated cookies. Serafina HATES the sugar cookies that university catering makes and family housing uses them like a crutch. At nearly every big housing event there will be a big table with disgusting cookies and gallons of technicolor gloppy frosting for them to glom on. But anyway, Serafina obligingly decorated some cookies while Eloise ate a plain cookie but then Eloise realized that everyone else had frosting and made a lunge for the table and grabbed a big fistful of frosting to eat. I ate one of Fina's cookies. ("There's not many people here today! You can all do as many cookies as you want!") And then as the cookie grossness was winding down, the lady in charge whipped out the supplies to make BALLOON ANIMALS!!!! Small children and balloons give me panic attacks. The lady popped at least 3 balloons trying to construct the dogs for the 6 children in attendance, and then one of the little kids popped her balloon when it was done. Then there was the lady with a little baby a bit younger than Eloise who was letting her baby chew on one. And I was in the corner trying not to show that I was freaking out. And after she had made dogs for all the other kids, the lady made one for Eloise and was so proud and brought it over and gave it to her without asking me. Yeah, no. My kids don't get latex balloons until they're like 3, and even then I was threatening to take Fina's away any time it got anywhere near her face. On the walk home Fina's dog came untwisted and when I tried to fix it once we got home it popped. So I told her she could have Eloise's, because it is not like Eloise is getting it back. But instead of playing with it she is playing with other toys and then loudly sighing every few minutes and saying, "Orange dog really wishes he had a balloon friend. He doesn't know why you had to pop his pink friend." He's going to think pop.
Fina has this thing she does when John scolds her where she sticks her butt out at him and spanks it, I don't know why possibly it is like "Well I'll just spank myself and then get on with it." Last night at free bread she got bored and was crawling all over the little kid sized tables. John told her to get down because people put food there and they don't want dirty boots all over it. So she got down, took her boots off, and climbed right back up. This caused John to scold "I just told you to get off the table!!" and I pointed out that he had specifically mentioned dirty boots so she thought she'd be good if she took her boots off. So he amended his earlier comment to be stay off the table, and she got down and stuck her butt out and spanked it at him. This makes him furious, and the more furious he gets the more she laughs and does it. And then Eloise who was laying on the floor started mimicking her. It was HILARIOUS although it doesn't seem to translate well to a story, I guess it was one of those "you had to be there" moments. Oh jeez, now I have that whiny country song "I guess you had to beeeeeeee there!!!! You really had to beeeee there!" in my head.

But yeah, Eloise laying on the floor spanking her own butt and laughing.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sock moose

I made this sock moose for John's birthday. He's made out of a knee sock, and his antlers are toddler size gloves.
Here's his back with his cute little tail:
And this is his grumpy moose pose:

Fina thinks he's hers. MOOOOOSE!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


More diaper ramblings. Eloise has another diaper rash. I don't want to buy another pack of luvs because the last package leaked like crazy. I wish I could just use diaper rash cream with the diapers she normally wears, but that is bad to do because it leaves a residue. I wish a package of huggies would spawn on my doorstep. I am thinking of making some fleece liners for her diapers and seeing if they would protect the fancy pants diapers from the dreaded desitin. I refuse to give up on cloth diapers because my mother thought I shouldn't get them in the first place because she thought I'd lose interest in them and it would be a waste of money. I figured out that the possible cause of the rashes was that my new ebay diapers had a build up so she was having ammonia problems when she peed in them. But I washed them the other day and then rinsed them like 8 times and the burn your eyes (and probably eloise's butt) ammonia smell has gone away. (Note: the ammonia smell is only after the baby pees, the diapers don't come out reeking and i still put them on her butt.)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

This one's for Seven

B is for books about Benjamin Bunny.

(She sat there for five hours.)