Friday, September 21, 2012

More doll clothes

This time complete with before pictures!
My mom brought over more onsies. I don't know why the doll who rudely begs for clothes thought she got another shirt. 
And I snagged another of Eloise's nekkid babies, because the challenge of sewing the smaller size ones is fun.
Tah-dah! I sewed them both in the time it took dinner to cook. (Ignore the threads in her armpit, I trimmed them off after the picture but clearly it was lazy picture day.)
Little baby got a plain white one so I switched over to red thread and put on a decorative hem.
I've only been looking for an excuse to use this stitch since I got my sewing machine.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

A milllion pictures

I took about a thousand pictures of my kids today. It started when Fina got home from school, and she asked to go out and ride her bike.
She's getting good at it, but she is hard to take pictures of.
Mostly because she thinks she's funny so if she sees me looking at her with the camera she has to make a cheese face.
Or she'll lose control and steer out into the grass.
I finally thought of telling her to ride clear over "to that bush" so I could take pictures of her across from me, and of course on the way back she wrecked her bike and came back crying and then refused to try that again.
Then Weezers got up and came out, but she was pretty frustrated because she couldn't keep up.
So she sat on my chair and pouted. And I tried to convince her to smile for the camera and she flat out refused to even look at me.
Eventually Fina got jealous of the attention and climbed up in the chair with her.
Then she left and Eloise sneezed.
Which it turns out was hilarious.
But then things just devolved into silliness.

Doll Onsies

To keep my mind off things, I've been sewing. My sister brought over a onsie she'd cut down to doll size following this tutorial online. She was going to borrow my sewing machine, but then she decided maybe I'd want to keep it in case I wanted to keep my mind off things. So I made a sock monkey (not pictured because he was swept off to Fina's bed straight away), but they take a lot of hand sewing. Then we were at the dollar store and found a garfield onsie and diaper cover set that we thought the koosas would like, and also one with the most glorious WTF goat ever. I brought them home since the sewing machine is here, with the plans that my sister would come over later and we'd cut them down together. Well later that night I couldn't help it, I wanted a closer look at the goat so I had to open the package. My sister said, "why don't you try modifying it?" and sent me the link.
So the glorious goat onsie is now a CPK sized t-shirt. It's being modeled by a Jesmar who apparently spawned in Fina's closet. (Ok, so Jesmars are impossible to leave behind at thrift stores even if you aren't actively collecting.)
That was so fun I decided to try the garfield one. It was easier because the design was centered. The diaper cover to shorts was kind of fun too, although this picture doesn't show the shorts at all. After that, my sister brought over the whole stack of them that she had to alter, because it goes fast and it's easy and takes my mind off things. Fina has a doll who always rudely begs for clothes, so I cut one down for her.
Her response was "where's my pants and my skirt and my underpants and my nightgown?" Then I got one of Weezy's dolls, a little baby who she had bought naked from a thrift store. I held up 2 choices for Eloise and said "does baby want the green shirt or the pink shirt?" Eloise responded "NO! Dat baby no clothes!"
I let Fina choose and made one for her anyway. I tried to follow the whole tutorial this time and make it into a onsie, but I was too stupid to do the bottom part so there you go. It was harder to make than the others because baby no clothes is much smaller and smaller clothes are more fiddly. I haven't decided whether to cut the bottom straight and hem it like a t-shirt or just leave it how it is. Anyway, it's my kind of project because they go quickly, and there's minimal cutting out and no ironing. Plus my kids aren't as picky as I was as a kid, and they don't care if their dolls wear wonky looking clothes. My sister and I were clothes snobs with our dolls because my mom was so talented at sewing.

Also here's a picture of Eloise being a ham that my sister took when she was visiting.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Eloise's Dinner

Last night the church brought in dinner because John is still recovering from his surgery. The lady that brought the main course brought us taco soup (somehow more delicious than when I make it, probably because I didn't have to make it) and she was like "This is taco soup, and here's some sour cream and cheese to go on top of it..." And Eloise exclaimed "CHEESE?" and started doing a little baby joy dance. We were laughing. Then we sat down to eat and in the middle of dinner there was another knock, which turned out to be dessert. She had made something that was absolutely delicious and I don't know what it even was, but she had these little bars on the plate and then she says, "and since those are too good to share with kids, I brought popsicles for them."
So that's the story of the best dinner Eloise ever had. And now if you need me I'm trying to find the recipe for the too good for kids dessert bars, but it's pretty hard to google something when you don't know what you're looking for.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Weez and I were bored so we stopped at a waterfall. She was adorable and charming and chatting with all the tourists. And then she was posing and demanding that I take her picture. So here's some pictures.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Smells like wet Buffalo

Today we saw bison all over the road, and all over the sides of the road, and even in the river.

Eloise kept yelling "The buffalo going swimming!!" and then laughing with glee. They didn't look so amused though.

And then we had a little nicnic in Mammoth, at the picnic table conveniently located 10 feet from our last paper machine.
Weez was being a little onery about my camera, but she looked so darn cute I couldn't resist. I put the sweater on her because it was 28 degrees when we left the house, and she refused to take it off even though it was in the mid 70s. She kept whining "I hot." and I'd be like "let's take off your sweater." and then she'd shriek "No! It's mine! I be hot!" I finally convinced her to take it off by telling her she looked like a tourist, wearing a sweater in this weather. She doesn't know what a tourist is, but she most certainly doesn't want to look like one!