Friday, January 28, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My new Love

I got these new diapers off Ebay and I love them. They are way nicer than my other diapers. Of course my other diapers consist of cheapy prefolds with covers, and some others that someone gave me that are losing their waterproofing. Behold, the bumgenius:
These new diapers are great. The inserts are super absorbent. There is a flap of the waterproof material that goes about a half inch down the inside on the front, so that the fleecy material of the inside can't sneak out and hang over the top, which is a nice touch when babby decides to sleep on her stomach at night and then pee buckets. No more soaking wet pajamas since I've started using these guys. Here is another handy feature:
The flap that covers up the opening where you stuff the insert into the pocket. I sort of dislike that little flap. On one hand, it is nice because it keeps it in there so that it doesn't work it's way out while the baby is wearing it. But on the other hand, it is revolting if it is covered with crap and you have to try to lift the flap out of the way to pull the insert out for washing. Plus it is kind of a pain to put the insert in with it getting in the way, and it is one more thing that needs to be laying just right when you put the diaper on.

They are so easy to use, and they don't leak. Plus they are adjustable so I don't have to deal with ordering sizes of diapers and stuff. She wears them on the middle setting at the moment. If I had unlimited funds I would order a bunch of bumgenius diapers. Despite the stupid product name. Apparently it is like a law that you have to make some reference to butts and try to be cutesy in your brand name if you are going to manufacture diapers.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Snow Baby

We went for a little walk today, and Fina was having a grand old time climbing snow piles and playing in the snow. Eloise was a little jealous that she was stuffed in the boring old stroller and kept trying to figure out how to undo the seat belt so she could get out. Finally I caught a clue and set her on the ground while Fina tried to climb the biggest snow pile of all, and she grinned the biggest grin. Then she rolled over and started trying to crawl after Fina. She was so happy.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Green Beans

What the heck is this crap?

Judging myself

Dirty onsie? Check. Gray sweatpants? Check. (They are actually t-shirt material but they achieve the same slobby look.) My baby is officially dressed in an outfit I would be judgemental about if I saw someone else's baby in it. Also, it is kind of scary that the onsie is size 3-6 months and still fits her, what is she going to do this spring/summer when all the hand me down summer clothes are size 24 months or 2t?

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Why is it that the house work is always the thing that gets put off if I have too much stuff to do? Today John and I were planning to clean our room and put all the clean laundry that resides in baskets in there away. We were also hoping to hit a couple thrift stores and do some grocery shopping. Well the thrift stores got done, and then we went out to lunch with my parents (which was really nice) and then they took Fina for the afternoon so we got our grocery shopping done with no little person begging for all the stuff. But when we got home we were so exhausted that we ended up just sitting around after we put the groceries away. (Also John is pissing me off and not cooking dinner, and I am not in the right mindset to cook because he SAID he was cooking tonight when we planned the menu. "Well I'm not really hungry..." he says. Grr. I might end up making a sandwich for the Fi and calling it good.) And we still have to go to Costco on monday because I took one look at the parking lot today and said no way was I entering that store.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Fina's hair cut

I have daily fights with Fina about combing her hair. It is really fine so it gets horribly tangled, and she cries and screams when I brush it. Even if I use detangler spray. (Which I wish we had when I was a kid because it is awesome how it makes the tangles just loosen up. My mom would never buy it for me because she claimed that it was just psychological and it didn't really work.) She's been wanting to get it cut short, but I have been resisting, probably because it took so long for her to even get hair.
Showing the length in the back. It was getting pretty long.
After. She looks pretty self satisfied. Also it is funny that her new hair cut not only makes her look older, it makes her look blonder.

The back. It is pretty much tangle free this morning, although I haven't brushed it yet. That will be the real test.

Aww how sweet

This morning when I got up John asked how I was feeling. How sweet. Except when I said I was doing better but not great he said, "I was just asking because I hope you're feeling well enough to go to that dinner tonight, I really don't want to go alone!" Well thanks for caring, jackass. I am feeling better as far as stomach goes, but I have a head cold now that is keeping me from sleeping at night. I slept last night until the cold medicine I took wore off, but then I slept crappily and I was too tired to get up and take some more. But the girls are being adorable today so that is a plus.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pretty Pretty Princess

We bought a game of pretty pretty princess. It is a great game. Fina isn't quite old enough to "get" board games so she cheats pretty bad, but she enjoys it.

John plays with her. I love that he's being pink. (He did not love that I was photographing him.)

Fina cheering this morning after she won.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Some pictures I took today:
Pretty girls

Eloise looking particularly doll-like

Eloise's serious face

Fina looking pretty

And again

Look at those blue eyes.

And some silliness:

Friday, January 14, 2011

One of those days

I've had a headache that won't quit for like 4 days. Plus Eloise has been super cranky. Her activity of choice today has been crying and being held. I have to admit though, I was a bit disappointed when I finally got her to take a nap in her crib because I was enjoying the excuse to sit around. But at least I got to run a load of dishes and get some lunch for Fi and I. Fina has been whiny today because she doesn't want to play with her toys. I think it is because I had cut off TV this week and this morning I let her watch a show so now she just wants to settle in and watch TV all day. (A show as in 1 episode of Dora, not even a whole dvd of it.) I want to just cave and turn on something long and go take a nap in hopes of finally curing the headache but she is so stubborn and spoiled I better stick to my guns.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bus adventure

Our car has been broken down, so yesterday we decided to take the bus to the store to get a few groceries. It was certainly an adventure, trying the bus for the first time with 2 kids. Eloise was so happy that she got to sit on my lap the whole time. She may never (want to) ride in her car seat again. And Fina was hilarious, she insisted on standing up in front of her seat most of the way instead of sitting down. It took 2 and a half hours including shopping time, so it kind of turns a shopping trip into an all afternoon excursion, but it is nice that the city has the bus service so that people with no cars have the option. On the way home the bus stopped at target and Fi was pretty mad that we weren't going to get off and go shopping at target. It is her favorite store. Maybe next we'll take the bus to target. The cutest was when we were on the bus with windows in the top, going down a tree lined street so Eloise was sitting with her head flipped up so she could watch the trees go by out the top window. This morning when she woke up she was laying in her bed saying "Dada? Dada?" but I couldn't wake John up enough to convince him that she wanted him. She totally did though, she probably wasn't just practicing her new word.

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Jesmar

I'm not really actively collecting CPKs at the moment, but when I'm at thrift stores I still can't help but look at them. As we were walking over to the toy area I saw his feet sticking out and thought to myself "Those look like jesmar feet." Then I second guessed myself and thought that it must just be wishful thinking. His left foot almost looks more like an OK foot. But I pulled him out to look.
And when I saw his face I knew my first guess had been correct. He has the distinct Jesmar eyes. Plus freckles. And adorable light butterscotch loops.
They helpfully slapped the price tag on his cheek so he has price tag residue. He's fairly clean except for a few dirt spots on his fingers and legs. His shirt is homemade, but so typically 80s that it makes me smile.
He keeps trying to convince me to go on ebay and buy him some pants but I'm too broke. Plus I'm totally not collecting CPKs anymore. Honest.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Cold Walk

It is freezing today but we went for a short walk while John checked the laundry rooms.
Girls tossed in a snowbank. Eloise kept trying to escape from her sister's grasp so she could go play in the snow
Blue eyed bear
Snow girl
Fina, certainly not plotting anything

Pretty girl