Monday, January 10, 2011

New Jesmar

I'm not really actively collecting CPKs at the moment, but when I'm at thrift stores I still can't help but look at them. As we were walking over to the toy area I saw his feet sticking out and thought to myself "Those look like jesmar feet." Then I second guessed myself and thought that it must just be wishful thinking. His left foot almost looks more like an OK foot. But I pulled him out to look.
And when I saw his face I knew my first guess had been correct. He has the distinct Jesmar eyes. Plus freckles. And adorable light butterscotch loops.
They helpfully slapped the price tag on his cheek so he has price tag residue. He's fairly clean except for a few dirt spots on his fingers and legs. His shirt is homemade, but so typically 80s that it makes me smile.
He keeps trying to convince me to go on ebay and buy him some pants but I'm too broke. Plus I'm totally not collecting CPKs anymore. Honest.

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