Thursday, May 17, 2012

Dogs and stuff

Hung out with my mom's dogs today.
Mocha is waiting for someone to put down the camera and throw the ball ;)

Murph was being onery with the girls' water toys. It was too cold to swim so I'm not sure why they even had water toys in the pool, except that they were having fun with them.

He's hilarious because he tries to dig in the water.

This is about how he was most of the day, crazy wild dog. He got sent to bed early for racing around like a fool and stealing anything he could get his mouth on. Computer mouse, baby's blankie, pop cans, pieces of paper, and the final straw was when he jumped up and started ripping a house plant apart.

And my dad fired up his new barbecue (the charcoal side even, the other side is propane) and cooked us some delicious cheeseburgers for dinner. They weren't even burnt raw!

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