Monday, May 28, 2012

Planting Flowers, and a Fearsome Tiger

I taught Fina how to play with the puppy this morning. It seemed odd to me that you'd have to teach a kid how to play with a dog, but I guess that Mocha hasn't really played with toys since Fi was born. I had him running all around the room and both of the girls were laughing and laughing.

Eloise got a nice trim on her bangs so she no longer has the really long piece that hangs down into one eye.
Then we went out to breakfast and she charmed everyone in the restaurant with her mad cuteness skillz. While we were "in town" we bought some new plants for the garden. We were looking at vegetables but Fi fell in love with a big ol' flower and my mom let her get it. The "isn't this the most beautiful flower you've ever seen?" speech won her over, because the flower was rather beautiful.

When we got home, my mom and Eloise went to take a nap, and the rest of us went outside to plant our new plants. Murphy thought he'd dig a nice big hole, but my dad told him that's ok, I have a shovel and I'd appreciate it if you didn't dig up my yard.

Fina transplanted her big ol' flower into a big ol' pot so that when it warms up it can come out of the greenhouse and brighten up the deck.

She was in charge of putting dirt around it, and grandpa helped her a little too. Somehow in the course of adding the dirt, they managed to knock the blossom off the plant.

Fina thought it would look just stunning on Mocha, however Mocha didn't agree.

I love the longsuffering look in this picture. It's like "why must you humiliate me, my girl?" Or maybe "you like the flower so much, you can put it on your own head!"

Which Fina also found pretty hilarious.

I happened to look outside and noticed my cat sitting in the field and I thought she looked pretty cool so I grabbed my camera.

After I snapped the first picture, she took a leap,

Then started walking towards me. Apparently she wanted to make sure I got a good one.


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