Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A few pics of Serafina (and one of Eloise)

Serafina was looking particularly cute today. She decided to wear this outfit that my mom made for her since it was warm enough this morning to wear short pants to school. I know she was cute even though I'm pretty biased because even her teacher commented on it. So this afternoon I decided to take some pictures, even though the lighting was pretty terrible because the sun was blazing still at 4pm.
She started out a little silly.

And this is what I got when I asked her to pose so we could have a nice picture of her looking so cute. So I let her go play, but I laid in wait, watching her and waiting for the opportune moment to snap a picture.

It came when she paused in the middle of picking dandelions to sit on her gigantic ball. Doesn't she just look perfect?

Of course she caught me photographing her and got a little silly, she started making the ball roll forwards from under her butt and making a big show of "falling off".

Here she's blowing bubbles and teasing me.

And Ell was out with us of course, although she didn't look near as cute because for some reason lately her hair always looks like it's gross and sweaty. But I really loved this picture of her.

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